YouTube is blowing up and it is no surprise. Anyone can create an account and upload fun videos to gain attention. YouTube is quickly becoming a resource for people and brands to express themselves. There is more video content uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major U.S. television networks created in 60 years. That is… Read more →
Tag: youtube

YouTube is blowing up and it is no surprise. Anyone can create an account and upload fun videos to gain attention. YouTube is quickly becoming a resource for people and brands to express themselves. There is more video content uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major U.S. television networks created in 60 years. That is… Read more →
2008 PR Trends
It’s always good to stay on top of the PR trends so here are a few standouts to help you better spotlight your clients in 2008. Hope they help and Best in 2008!Risë BLOGGERS Blog is the name of the game these days – you can monitor stories about your clients and their competitors and/or pitch and place valuable content. … Read more →