Who wudda thunk it? That Big Bird would become a political hot potato in the home stretch of presidential election season? Only in America could that big, feathery, loveable symbol of childhood get caught in the crossfire. There’s no debating it, ever since Big Bird was named as a target for cost-cutting by Romney last week, the yellow guy has… Read more →
Tag: media relations

Who wudda thunk it? That Big Bird would become a political hot potato in the home stretch of presidential election season? Only in America could that big, feathery, loveable symbol of childhood get caught in the crossfire. There’s no debating it, ever since Big Bird was named as a target for cost-cutting by Romney last week, the yellow guy has… Read more →

Sally had the ride of her life. The first woman in space went where no woman had gone before. Sally Ride died this week of pancreatic cancer. Too young. What a trailblazer – a woman growing up in the 50s and 60s to become a scientist, space traveler and, as the world has just learned, a lesbian. So now pundits… Read more →
My Path to Public Relations
This post is part of a series written by zcomm interns. Be sure to check back each week for their take on the latest in the public relations industry. This week, Hailey discusses what led her to a career in PR. When I was in high school I came up with a brilliant plan for my future. I was going… Read more →
The Underdog Days of Summer
With the NFL and NBA both embroiled in lock-outs while owners and players negotiate new collective bargaining agreements, the hottest tickets in sports these days belong to some unlikely matches. It seems some of the lesser talked about sports have discovered their recipe for PR success and the key to popularity – violence and scandal. It has long drawn in… Read more →
And the Rockets Red Flare…Glare… oh, whatever
Typically speaking, we tend to lose the meaning of the holidays we celebrate. While each July 4th, Americans have the day off to remember what is truly important, it usually equates to a day off from work. Consider how many people know all the lyrics to the Star-Spangled banner, understand the lyrics, know who Francis Scott Key was, or understand… Read more →
With today’s headlines centered on global issues such as Japan’s earthquakes, a shutdown in the US government, school shootouts in Brazil and, of course, the upcoming Royal Wedding, PR professionals’ jobs are getting tougher by the day. While finding your way into the news fold has always taken finesse, global turmoil has made it nearly impossible to get the latest… Read more →