So let’s talk about the vast contrast in spending for Mother’s Day compared to Father’s Day. Who’s winning? Mother’s Day features a number of discount sales, brunch deals and jewelry incentives tailored to all the lucky moms from California to South Carolina. We wine and dine them, cook breakfast that Sunday morning and meet every motherly request, at least on that one day in May.
But, what about Father’s Day? Fathers are equal contributors to the American family structure, right?
According to marketingcharts.com, the answer is no. Consumers spend $50 more on Mother’s Day than on Father’s Day each year. The spa treatments, extravagant dinners and gifts are apparently more expensive than the general dinner outings, t-shirts and socks we nab for the men in our lives.
But, that may be changing. Marketingcharts.com says that families are expected to spend about $15.5 billion this Father’s Day, an 8% increase from last year’s $14.3 billion. But, even with this increase, spending is still expected to be $8 billion less than that recorded a short month ago for the mamas across the land.
So, why is this?
There’s a greater prevalence of single mothers in America today, compared to 50 years ago. According to this 2015 article, Father’s Day is also stacked behind a number of other spring holidays, causing less demand for further gift purchasing.
And then there are the types of gifts typically associated with each gender. Mom may want flowers and a nice dinner with the family for her special day. That usually costs between $75 and $100. If dad requests some tools and a new tie, they will probably cost around $50. That doesn’t mean you love dad any less, of course, but it may not hurt to throw in a $25 Home Depot gift card with the other offerings.
So, show dad how much you care this weekend…and no, socks don’t count—unless he specifically asks for them.