If you’ve talked to me at some point during the past year, you know that October 15 was a major milestone in the Mullally family: the wedding of my son and his long-time girlfriend.
Seldom in life does reality exceed expectations, but it did in this case. The bride was gorgeous, the groom was handsome, the weather was perfect, the food was delicious, and I actually was happy with the way I looked. Professional hair and makeup is a wonderful thing, not to mention the right dress.
The weekend started off with a fun rehearsal dinner, where I drank bourbon with one of my son’s high school buddies. (Note to self: Don’t offer to do that again!) I even gave a toast.
Most of Saturday was spent getting ready, and then all of a sudden it was time to leave for the wedding venue, the wonderful Stone Tower Winery in Leesburg, VA. Random question: Are limos lower to the ground than they used to be? Granted, it’s been a while since I rode in one, but I don’t remember them being so hard to get in and out of. That minor quibble aside, it was nice riding to the winery in style.
Here are some of the evening’s highlights:
- Seeing my friends and family smiling as we walked down the aisle.
- The mother/son dance. Believe it or not, it was the first time I’d danced with my son.
- Seeing how happy the bride and groom are. These two really love each other, and it’s amazing to see.
Of course, in the words of Frank Sinatra, “Regrets, I have a few.”
- I didn’t get to slow dance with my husband (or fast dance much, for that matter). That’s definitely one difference between being regular wedding guests and the mother/father of the groom. When we’re the former, we spend a lot of time out on the dance floor. This time, we spent almost the entire evening talking to people (often in separate locations). I enjoyed all of those conversations, but I missed the dancing.
- I didn’t take many pictures. My phone (a.k.a. my camera) was at my table most of the night, including during the ceremony. Since I wasn’t at the table very often, I only took a handful of pictures. Luckily, a few people had my back and sent me photos. I’ll especially treasure the ones my brother took of the mother/son dance. My husband swore he took some too. Mysteriously, they were nowhere to be found on his phone/camera.
- I didn’t have a piece of the wedding cake, although I heard it was delicious.
Sunday morning was the post-wedding breakfast. We’d been told not to expect a big turnout, but more than half of the guests woke up early to attend. I forgot to take pictures again, and I definitely didn’t take full advantage of the all-you-can-eat buffet, but it was still close to perfect.
Just like the rest of the weekend.